
Archive for June 6th, 2010

Today was  a great day at the Ludlow Sprint Triathlon. With a fair amount of training under my belt (at least by my standards) and some good thought, preparation and support, I was able to achieve some good progress and a medal and age group placement. Not bad considering this time last year I raced the event as a relay and only braved the bike leg of the event! While the day was rainy and the swim started out with a little bit of wrestling and elbow to forehead contact, it was a fun morning filled with good work, lots of familiar and friendly faces, and a nice solid start to my 2010 season. I felt like I raced at bout  90% of my potential which I guess is okay seeing as I finished strong and felt pleased with my race.  It really seems to take a lot of time,  experience,  and teaching to really find out how to race really well. It is sometimes an elusive thing trying to find that edge of peak performance… the true limit of what you could do on that given day. So, while I am thrilled that I met my goals, stayed safe on a wet and slick bike course, and ran a solid 4 mile leg, I am hungry to race just that tiny bit harder so that I know at the end I had nothing left to give and had gained absolutely everything I could from the experience.

But for today, I am happy and grateful for the race…  I hope everyone else is out and finding what makes them happy and their bikes pedal fast!

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